So now that the Columbus dust is settling, how are people reacting, and what are the possible outcomes for either holding the Anglican Communion, and the Episcopal Church, together, and for any kind of outcome that would leave progressive Episcopalians any opportunity to be true to our convictions regarding true inclusiveness?
Some responses have been predictable. The Diocese of Fort Worth has fired off a request to Canterbury asking for “alternative Primatial oversight,” whatever that is. (When was the last time a male P. B. visited Fort Worth?) Duncan of Pittsburgh, Anderson of the A. A. C., and the other usual suspects, declared that the response of General Convention was insufficient, and failed to meet the Windsor Report’s clear “request” for a moratorium. (Of course, one of the problems many of us had with Windsor was that it contained no requests at all, only demands.) I have not troubled my blood pressure by checking the websites for reactions from Nigeria. I presume we will hear something from the Archbishop of Canterbury eventually, after he has finished consulting whoever it is that he has to consult.
Some statements have been promising, though. For instance, Bishop John Howard of Florida published a pastoral letter in which he commended many actions of GC 75. He specifically disassociated himself from any who would attack the Presiding Bishop-elect on the grounds that she is a woman, and he vowed to work with her. And he declared that the response of Convention to Windsor amounts to a moratorium, and is therefore sufficient. I am pleased with that response, with the quickness of it and the generosity of spirit, and I applaud Bishop Howard.
Perhaps that will set the tone for others of the Episcopal Right to follow suit with conciliatory statements, so that we can hobble along toward Lambeth in relative peace and charity. They might as well. After all, they’ve won the day. In my opinion, the brief flowering of New Hampshire Spring is over now, and the “almost moratorium” will end in three years with either an outright ban on ordination of partnered gays and lesbians, or with us progressives outrightly banned from the Anglican Communion, or both.
Realistically, what are the possibilities?
Thanks, Art, for your information. You are correct.
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