Monday, November 24, 2008

A Poem: Offertory


Does anyone else ever notice
the odd, sad appropriateness
of fresh cut flowers in church?
the tall, lithe stems
blossoms inviolate in peak of bloom
ever virgin
never fruitful
withered before seed-fall
barren as nuns?

November 24, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008


I forgot where I saw this, but it hits the mark:

Only Light
Thich Nhat Hanh

The root of terrorism is misunderstanding, hatred and violence. This root cannot be located by the military. Bombs and missiles cannot reach it, let alone destroy it. Only with the practice of calming and looking deeply can our insight reveal and identify this root. Only with the practice of deep listening and compassion can it be transformed and removed. Darkness cannot be dissipated with more darkness. More darkness will only make darkness thicker. Only light can dissipate darkness.... Those of us who carry the light should show the light and share it so that the world will not sink into total darkness. Everyone has the seed of awakening and insight within his or her heart.