Some Quotes from the 75th General Convention
The Rev. Frank Wade: "Why is it that Episcopalians can pass the Peace for twenty minutes, and then not speak to anyone at coffee hour?"
(unremembered) "It is easy for leaders to call the worst out of people. We are to call the best out of people."
Senator John Danforth: The Episcopal Church has a special charism for reconciliation. As politicians "stay on point" by making their "talking points" instead of answering a question, we need to learn to respond to every question by talking about our calling for reconcilliation, then move on to the answer to the specific question.
The Rev. Frank Wade: "How are the departed supposed to get any rest with all that light perpetual shinng on them all the time?"
The Rev. David Anderson of the American Anglican Council: "I like a good fight."
The Rt. Rev. Gene Robinson, Bishop of New Hampshire: "We have to love them anyway."
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